Updates on Infant Sleep
At the end of the lecture, the learner should have an improved understanding of the following:
- Basics of sleep physiology
- Approach to and assessment of infant sleep difficulties
- Updated evidence on safe sleep environments
- Impacts of infant sleep on health and development
Maida Chen, MD, graduated with a degree in English literature from Northwestern University, where she later attended medical school. She trained at Rush Children’s Hospital for general pediatrics and did her pediatric pulmonary fellowship at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. She was part of the inaugural class of Sleep Medicine Board Certified physicians, as sleep medicine was not a formal subspecialty until 2007. She joined the faculty at the University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital in 2005 and is currently a Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Sleep Medicine, as well as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Dentistry. Outside of work, she is a soccer/dance mom to her 3 kids and is addicted to closing the rings on her apple watch!