Topic Category: Promoting First Relationships in Pediatrics
Sleep: 3-4 Months
With brain maturation and the continued refinement of their circadian rhythm, more of the infant’s sleep will need to occur during the…
Sleep: 2-3 Months
Around 10-12 weeks, infants start to develop a circadian rhythm. They sleep less during the day and more at night. Infants are…
Sleep: Newborn
Infant sleep development has a long maturational process. Newborns do not yet follow a circadian rhythm at birth so do not a have…
Feeding: Translation to the Clinical Setting
Infant Feeding Introduction to Solid Food Toddler Mealtimes Handout #5 Feeding is More than Eating below helps parents understand the importance of the…
Feeding: Conclusion
This video shows what is hoped for in the feeding relationship and what can be gained from a responsive feeding relationship. In this…
Feeding: 12 Months Through Early Childhood
The rate of weight gain for toddlers starts a long plateau between approximately 9-12 months of age. The infant’s BMI continues to decrease from its…
Feeding: 8-9 Months
Older infants gain new oral-motor skills. They have more mature chewing movements and are now able to close their mouth fully and move…
Feeding: 6-7 Months
By 6-7 months, infants are usually being offered solid foods, i.e., soft, pureed foods, three times a day at breakfast, lunch and…
Feeding: 4-6 Months
At 4 months of age, babies continue to gain efficiency with feeding, with the volume per feeding continuing to increase (on average,…
Feeding: 2 Months
At 2 months, infants are following their in-utero programming for weight gain and usually gaining weight well. This is a rapid time…