Topic Category: Promoting First Relationships in Pediatrics

July 25, 2023

Later Infancy: 9 Months

9-month-olds are more mobile and their vocalizations are becoming even more complex with the development of “reduplicated babbling” (ie. babbling with consonants). They are…

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Later Infancy: 6 Months

6-month-old babies are becoming much more social and curious and want to be part of whatever is going on. It can take parents by surprise that…

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Early Infancy: Translation to the Clinical Setting

Handouts to Support Responsive Caregiving in Early Infancy…

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Early Infancy: 4 Months

4-month-olds are becoming increasingly social and vocal with more sustained back and forth babbling, inflections and high-pitched squeals. Babies often want to be held…

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Early Infancy: 2 Months

Social smiling usually starts around 6 weeks of age, though babies often have reflexive smiles starting even in utero and right after birth,…

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Newborns are born ready to relate. At birth, they already prefer looking at faces and recognize familiar voices. They can track to…

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Sleep: Translation to the Clinical Setting

Older Infants This handout has incorporated the 3 most important pieces of information about sleep at any age:…

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Sleep: 9 Months

At around 9 months of age, many infants gradually grow out of needing the late afternoon nap (3rd nap) and stay awake for a…

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Sleep: 6 Months

The signs of sleepiness in older infants become more subtle since their drive to be social and “part of the action” can briefly over-ride their fatigue, especially in…

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Sleep: 4 Months

Usually, 4-month-olds have “settled” into a 3-4 nap/day schedule and often need to go back to sleep after around 2 hours of…

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