Topic Category: Ped Chap3
July 6, 2023
Twins Talking
This video shows a set of twins talking which also demonstrates our innate hard-wiring to connect. These boys are pre-verbal yet note the synchrony in…
June 28, 2023
Translation to the Clinical Setting
Social Connectedness: The Importance of Children’s First Relationships…
4-Month-Old Meeting Her Aunt For the First Time Video
In this video, Sarah is a 4-month-old baby being held by her father. An aunt who is visiting and not familiar to…
Quiet Alert State of Newborns
In this video, observe two different infants in a quiet, alert state, which is an optimal time to interact with young infants. Most of us…
The Parent-Child Attachment Relationship
Babies Are Relational Human infants are born ready to relate and to be connected to their parents. They are completely dependent on their parents…