The Durable Feeling That a Child Is Always at Risk
An incredible story by Dr. Rachael Pearson. Toward the end of the article she addresses how Promoting First Relationships® has helped her work from a strengths based approach as a pediatrician, how she has embraced the concept of “wondering” with parents, and thinking deeply about her choice of words and the potential long lasting impact of those words.
When I put my own training in Promoting First Relationships into practice, it radically changes not only the way I see children but also the way I talk to parents. In a well-child check modeled on P.F.R., the physician is supposed to take an attitude of “wondering.” We have to look actively for moments of loving or supportive interaction between parent and child, compliment the parent on them, and explain how that behavior supports the child’s development. For example, if I see a toddler turn to look at her father when I come into the room, and then get a hug before venturing out toward me, I might say, “It’s great to see how she turns to you when a stranger comes in. I saw you reassure her, and now she knows it’s safe to explore on her own. The safe space you provide allows her to have the independence to develop her motor, social, and cognitive skills now that she is walking on her own.
Read the article here